Monday, March 20, 2006

Brendan -grandson in PA.

Well for some reason I could not get these on my original blog. I should do this more often and it would probably work better. Here he is and the bear is as big as he is. Next one - favorite spot - under the table, thanks Peg for the update.
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Time for update -another grandson

It's been a while so here goes. Time marches on - boat up for sale by this weekend hopefully. Usually first one here buys the boat - does that tell us all something about the condition of a Maier boat. Spring supposedly here this afternoon, but you cannot tell by Roswell weather - cool, rainy, windy. Sophie was here over weekend and was her usual helpful and cheerful self. " I can help Grandma, I always help my Mother" so of course, I put her to work. Emptied out the dryer for me and dragged basket (heavy) into bedroom. We had anice time.
Here are some updated pictures of grandchild Brendan who has moved to Pa. Isn't he special and such a beautiful smile.