Friday, August 28, 2009


One on left is Tom & Dot on cliff overlooking ocean. This one on right is looking down from the cliff. Absolutely beautiful sight. This was one of the day trips when we went on a crusie beginning of June with our neightbors, Mario and Linda. Super trip, good weather, good food and great conversation.

This is one of big THREE coming back from day of sightseeing - and looking forward to cocktail hour and dinner. After dinner there was always some presentation about the days' activities or the next day. Educational trip as well as welcome vacation.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Picture on left is lovely rose bush which Bill & Mad gave me for 70th Birthday.
This Japanese Maple is a sight to behold from the front window. Notice the carefully placed border...

Notice the
well placed
rocks around
my roses,
mostly volunteers from the Lake.
Dad just finished his rock garden on the side front lawn. Lots of work and sweat to make it all come together. I think info about the homestead is worth blogging, don't you all. It has been so long, I almost forgot how to blog. Maybe Facebook is the answer.