Well, it has arrived, the NEW BOAT. Dad finally able to take pictures - has been rainy here and cold, hard to take a picture in the garage. Of course, even thou it is new there will be some modifications made to it. It will definitely be a Maier custom boat. It is wider then old one and a little longer. Dad had already modified the garage door (3 inches too short) and that was only first step. Picture of large gas tank which was on new boat is coming out It holds 28 gallons and will never be going that far or that long. I hesitated to update till I had some real news and this is it. We shall have to see which one of the Maier boys gets on the boat first.
Woah - Congratulations and if Michael Gould does not count I will be the first Maier boy / man onboard. Was mulling over dedicated fishing trip in the spring and this gives me additional reason. Also have to speak w Terry in person re those coed sleepovers...
Good looking boat, Mr. Maier!
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